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United Against Bullying Bronze Status Award

King Ecgbert School is really proud to have been awarded the bronze United Against Bullying school status!

United Against Bullying is a project run by Anti Bullying Alliance (ABA).

The aim of the project is to review practice by conducting a full review of anti-bullying in school. This included a student questionnaire completed by all students, staff review of systems and processes to prevent and address bullying and a further student questionnaire at the end of the programme to measure impact.

The findings of our student questionnaire were very positive but also gave us areas for improvement to be even better. Some of the changes we have made are:
• increased awareness with more displays and more frequent assemblies/form activities and L@kes lessons
• adjusted our recording process to identify early signs of bullying behaviour
• improved education for perpetrators and support for victims

Work will now begin to achieve the next school status stage - Silver!

We know that our focus on anti-bullying will continue to ensure a safe and happy learning environment for our students.