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EduLink is a web / app based service that we use to communicate with parents.  Parents and students will each have their own accounts that they must activate.

What is on there?

It has lots of really useful information for students and their families to support them in their learning including:

  • Attendance and punctuality information
  • Homework
  • Behaviour and achievement information
  • Student timetable
  • Catering balance and details of student spending
  • Student grade collector reports
  • Links to other useful websites (eg. ParentPay and Moodle)

Why does everyone need to use it?

  • This is how students will know about their homework and be able to organise themselves effectively.
  • It is an important way that parents can support their child in their learning as they can discuss homework / attendance / behaviour etc using up to date information.
  • The school uses it as a tool to communicate with families and will send messages via the app.
  • Parents can use it to communicate with school over issues such as attendance etc.

How do I access it?

To download it, search ‘EduLink One’ in the App Store, or Google Play store. To access via computer simply go to

The school ID is: kingecgbert

The school will give you your username and password.  Please contact the school if you need your login details.

Below are a couple of documents to help you get started.  The document goes through how you can access EduLink and then what is on there.  The video goes through the same information but in Urdu for those families for whom English is not their first language.  Please do also get in touch with school if you have any further queries.

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