Sixth Form
Equipped for Success
The learning environment for Sixth Form students allows them to work independently as well as under the guidance of our specialist teachers. Our job is to prepare students for the challenge of university, or the world of work. Being independent is an essential skill that students will develop during their journey with us.
At King Ecgbert School, we have recently opened a dedicated Sixth Form block, which is for the sole use of our Sixth Form community. This quiet learning resource area is open throughout the day and after school for the use of our Sixth Form students as they work hard to complete homework and coursework. Each week students will be timetabled to use this room for support, advice and guidance. In addition to this modern learning environment, Sixth Form students benefit from a private common room for relaxing and socialising. This facility currently has plans for future expansion, which includes a cafe.
Students have full access to the school library and its comprehensive careers section. There are specialist teaching areas for all subjects and all classrooms have interactive whiteboards. There are seven computer rooms and most classrooms have access to computers. Laptops (networked and with internet) are available throughout the school. Students are encouraged to bring their own devices so that they can access their school work throughout all areas of school.
Facilities also include a state-of-the-art Music Suite equipped with Cubase and Sibelius 5 programmes, a high-tech Recording Studio, a Drama Performance Room and Studio as well as a large, integrated Art and Design & Technology Suite.
Sports facilities include two sports halls, tennis courts and playing fields. We are delighted to announce the arrival of our 4G astroturf.
Our location close to the Peak District gives us the opportunity to provide outdoor educational activities such as climbing, abseiling, cycling and water-skiing. There are weekend visits further afield and an annual ski trip abroad.
The Sixth Form Committee, chaired by the Head Boy, Head Girl and their deputies, also organises a range of events including sports matches, charity events and social occasions.
Students are encouraged to develop leadership qualities and explore ways of ‘giving back’ to their school and the wider community.
Our next Sixth Form open night will be held on Thursday 28th November 2024.
The Skills & Confidence to Succeed
A supportive environment.
The Sixth Form provides more than a learning environment – it is a place where students are encouraged to realise their full potential and become confident, independent and responsible citizens. We aim to equip students with the ability to go out into the adult world with the necessary skills to succeed. It is a unique journey for all of them as they choose their future direction and begin to realise their goals. It is a privilege to be a part of this journey and we encourage and foster these dreams at every step.
Subject teachers will stretch and challenge students and, in return, they will expect students to give their best. Students benefit from regular one-to-one reviews, annual parents’ evenings and half termly family monitoring data.
Form Tutors act as mentors and help to guide students through their transition into the Sixth Form, assist with the development of good study skills, time management and offer advice on university job applications and interview skills.
Enrichment & Enhancement Opportunities
We believe it is important that students are encouraged to take part in activities that give them wider experiences beyond the classroom. Young people today need to demonstrate that they are reliable, mature and responsible citizens.
We value the contribution that Sixth Form students can make to the whole school community by acting as role models and offering their support to younger students, as well as being good ambassadors for the school within the wider community.
The enrichment activities and responsibilities that we offer broaden students’ skills, give them confidence, demonstrate their maturity and can impress university admission tutors and employers.
In Y12 - All students take part in our house system as they lead and act as role models to younger students. These roles include paired reading, number cousins and peer mentoring. We also offer, The Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award, book club, Oxbridge support, extended project qualification, institute of financial studies award, Film Club, Debate club. Students can also take a first aid qualification, take part in Drama and Music, interview training, a day visit to a local university and careers conventions. AND… if there is something we don’t offer and students want to start a club up, we let them!
In Y13 - Students are given the opportunity to pick up enhancement opportunities, these range from Institute of financial studies, general studies, teaching course, work experience, employability skills, extended project and peer mentoring.
Those students interested in studying at Oxford or Cambridge or wishing to study medicine, dentistry or veterinary will be given an additional mentor to support them through the early application process.
"Leadership skills are developed effectively and students are very well prepared for the future.”
Special Education Needs in Sixth Form
Under the new SEND Code of Practice, Education and Health Care Plans (EHCP) are in place until the young person is twenty-five-year-old. Therefore, any student with an EHCP will continue to receive SEND support as long as they are at King Ecgbert School.
Support for sixth form students with an EHCP or an identified need which needs additional support, differs considerably from the rest of the school. It is most likely to be the case that LSA’s do not have the academic knowledge or expertise to offer detailed subject support. In addition, it is unlikely that having inâclass support would be appropriate in a Sixth Form lesson.
The sixth form team offer academic mentoring as required for SEND students, in conjunction with the SEND department. In sixth form this often takes the form of support with workload, breaking up larger projects into smaller chunks, or liaising with departments around reasonable adjustments. They also provide pastoral support for all students.
Targeted individual support can be undertaken by any member of the sixth form team or SEND department and will be overseen by the SENCO and relevant Year Manager. In addition, we work closely with subject teachers and students to ensure that the appropriate support is provided within lessons and consistency is maintained across subject areas.
Exam concessions will continue to be put in place as long as students remain eligible although further testing may be required by the schools verified assessor.
The revised Code of Practice places increased emphasis on the views of young people themselves and on the outcomes of their education. Where a student has a learning difficulty or disability that calls for special educational provision, we will use our best endeavours to put appropriate support in place. Young people will be supported to participate in discussions about their aspirations, their needs, and the support that they think will help them best. Support will be aimed at promoting student independence and enabling the young person to make good progress towards employment and/or higher education, independent living, good health and participating in the community.
We provide challenging and inspiring opportunities for students.
Our exam results are consistently above national averages, with the majority of our students gaining or exceeding their expected grades. Our 3 year average is 60% of our A level students achieving A* - B demonstrating continued and outstanding results. This year our outgoing Y13 A level students achieved a phenomenal 69% A*-B and our BTEC students achieving 90% D* - D. We are proud of every single student in our Sixth Form and what they have achieved. The majority of our students progress into Higher Education at top Russell Group Universities or at hugely competitive higher level apprenticeships such as Rolls Royce. We have a plethora of courses and careers that our students' progress onto which shows how supported their own and unique story is.
“I always felt that both my academic and my sporting potential were valued in the Sixth Form. I learned to manage my time effectively, which enabled me to achieve A Levels and to get into university while continuing my training and competing.”
Jess Ennis, former Sixth Form student and heptathlete
A New Building
In 2022-23 academic year, building work will begin on a new, purpose-built, sixth form building on our site.
External Links
The school has developed strong links with both Sheffield and Hallam Universities. Sheffield University offers schemes aimed at encouraging students who wish to study medicine, dentistry, law or humanities. University staff visit the school to talk about the courses on offer and how to apply to university.
We are part of the Hallam University Partnership scheme, which means that all King Ecgbert School students attending the University receive an annual bursary. Each year, we take all of our students on a visit to Hallam to find out more about university life, the application process and the financial implications of Higher Education.
There is a great range of opportunities to extend your CV and, most importantly, your life skills.
The Requirements of the 16-19 Study Programme
All ESFA funded education for 16 to 19 year olds have a responsibility to deliver study programmes. These study programmes are bespoke programmes tailored to the individual needs of our students and combine a variety of qualification and non qualification activities.
We are committed to:
- Every student being enrolled on a substantial qualification, be that A levels or BTEC's or a combination of the two.
- Where needed supporting students to achieve higher in their Maths and English grade
- All students take part in non qualification activities that support students progression to the world of work / apprenticeships or University. These non qual activities include:
- Bespoke enhancement programme to develop students’ character, skills, attitudes and confidence.
- Dedicated form time covering wellbeing, world around us and critical thinking opportunities
- All students offered work experience and mentoring opportunities
- Over 20 enrichment opportunities available from extended project, wellbeing ambassadors, debate club, Oxbridge mentoring, institute of financial studies
- All students take part in our alumni career event, trips to University and opportunity to hear from guest speakers.
- All students are prepared for University, including workshops on selling yourself in writing, preparing for interview.
- Students who wish to apply for apprenticeship / world of work have a dedicated programme of CV writing, mock interviews, and outside agencies.